Online coordinators' meeting
Written by
Dejan Zekavicic
On 5.6.2020. there was an online meeting on the next steps of our joint project. The meeting started at noon, and was attended by all project coordinators from Serbia (D. Zekavičić), Spain (S. Moreno), Turkey (I. D. Ugurlubas) and Poland (J. Ostrowska). It was held via Zoom app.
The coordinators talked about the current situation in their schools and, more or less, the situation was similar everywhere. Due to the Corona virus epidemic, there were no classes in schools anywhere, classes were held online through portals such as Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams and applications such as Zoom, Viber and Skype.
The planned trip to Turkey in May had to be postponed until the situation improved and conditions were met for such a trip to take place. Unfortunately, selected eighth graders will not be able to travel because they are going to high school.
All activities that required the physical presence of students had to be postponed and wait for the situation to stabilize and students to return to school. It was planned to record videos in all schools about traditional games and to put it all on a common DTS YouTube channel, so we agreed that this would be the first thing students would do during the summer and summer holidays, as well as in the fall, when the school year begins, which means that an extension of the project duration must be sought due to force majeure.
D. Zekavicic suggested that during the summer, students participating in the project be engaged by collecting information about the participating countries, and in September they will make several presentations using web tools, which will be posted on school web portals, project site, as well as on Twin Space on the eTwinning portal.
S. Moreno suggested that she would make a quiz of 16 questions on Kahoot, a portal, where 4 questions would be from each country, and children from all countries would access and solve it. Of course, the winner would be the student with the most accurate points scored. Speed is also calculated, so part of the points would go according to the speed of answering. The quiz was successfully made, and children solved it.
I. D. Ugurlubas was very eager and she tested several web tools. She suggested some that we can use for our eBook. These are tools like canva, storyjumper, flipsnack, storybird, educaplay, emaze, The rest of us mentioned socrative, prezi, vocaroo and forms. J. Ostrowska will soon send a video to be made by her students regarding the traditional game in Poland.
We all agreed that the materials should be published on all 4 sites, plus everything they do will be sent to the coordinator to publish it on the project site