Zoom workshop no.2
Written by
Dejan Zekavicic
On 21.10.2020. аn online workshop was held through Zооm application with the students and teachers from Serbia, Turkey, Poland and Spain.
The students were first given the task to go to avatarmaker.com page and there, with the help of simple tools, make their avatar by choosing the shape of the face, eye color, hairstyle, etc., and download that image to their computer. They could see the specific instructions through the shared screen when the teacher from Turkey, Ilknur, demonstrated what they should do, and after the instructions of the teacher from Serbia, Dejan. After that, the students logged in to eTwinning platform using their username and password, went to TwinSpace and first posted their avatar in the Materials section. Then, in the Let’s meet section, they posted their avatar with a few sentences about themselves. They were shown a short film on how to make an avatar that speaks their own language with the help of a phone application. To do that, they had to download applications for either iPhone (photospeak) or Android (speakpic), take a picture of someone's avatar on the screen, and use their mother tongue to read what that person wrote. These short clips will be merged into a movie that will be released on the DTS YouTube channel.