Activities in November and December
Written by
Dejan Zekavicic
At the next online workshop held in November, coordinator D. Zekavičić explained to the participants which tools they could use to create a logo for a related eTwinning project.
These were professional tools like Photoshop, but also tools for younger children like Paint, Canva, Wix, Wordart, Logomaker, Renderforest, Postermywall. Students were given instructions on how to place their logo proposal under the appropriate section where their country is. All proposals are then placed on Poll-Maker, and 15 students from each country will vote, of course the proposal with the most votes wins. As the New Year and Christmas approached, students were given the task of making an electronic greeting card and placing it on the appropriate page on the TwinSpace. A lot of electronic greeting cards have arrived, which can be viewed both on the project website and on the school websites of the participating countries. The work on prepress for the production of promotional material - pens, calendars (versions in Serbian and English), cups, planners have begun.