On towns (cities) and countries
Written by
Dejan Zekavicic
On 23.2.2021. an online workshop was held through Zoom application, with the participation of students and teachers from partner countries.
The students had the task to present their hometowns, cities and countries which they made together on a cloud. The students shared presentations that everyone could see them, and taking turns they talked about interesting things related to the tradition and culture of their hometown and their country, about traditional food, dance, events, important personalities and cultural and historical monuments. In the end, they had the opportunity to ask each other something they were interested in, and as homework, they should lead a discussion and ask a few questions about what they heard and saw on the Twin Space of eTwinning portal. The students really liked this workshop, so in the end they asked when the next one would be, and we promised them that it would be soon, when we all adjust our obligations and duties.
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