On holidays' tradition
Written by
Dejan Zekavicic
On 21.12.2021. DTS project participants had an online meeting via Zoom app.
Students from Serbia made presentations about their slava (St Patron’s day) and customs, students from Turkey had video and PowerPoint presentations about Ramadan and the tradition associated with the holiday, while students from Poland and Spain made presentations related to Christmas and New Year. The students asked each other questions related to traditional food, so they saw how many similarities there are between food in Serbia and Turkey. They also wanted to know about the hobbies and interests of their friends from abroad. Teachers shared presentations through the screen-sharing option, and all students followed closely from home. It was the first time for some of the students to encounter this, so they expressed their sincere enthusiasm for this way of working. The teachers agreed to join next time from regular classes or from extra curricular classes in the morning, in order to have more controlled conditions and to include more students.
Preliminary agreements have been reached on the possibility of traveling to Spain in the second half of February and to Turkey in March 2022, if epidemiological conditions allow.
You may watch a short film from Poland here.
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Download attachments:
- Christmas in Spain (218 Downloads)
- Ramadan (229 Downloads)
- St George's day (210 Downloads)
- St Nicolas' day (220 Downloads)